Weiße Zähne – wie OnlySmile helfen kann

White teeth – how OnlySmile can help

White teeth have always been a popular beauty ideal, as they represent physical fitness and hygiene. They radiate strength and vitality and make the smile more beautiful. It's no wonder that the majority of people pay attention to their tooth color. Yellow, grayish, or discolored teeth are quite common and can stand in the way of the dream of a radiant smile with white teeth. In this article, we present some effective methods that help achieve white teeth.

What do whitening toothpastes do?

Whitening toothpastes are designed to make teeth whiter and promise quick and uncomplicated relief from discolored teeth. White teeth can become discolored due to frequent consumption of red wine, coffee, or tobacco, taking on an unsightly color. These discolorations can be removed by whitening toothpastes. However, the biologically determined base color of the teeth remains, which can vary greatly from person to person. The same applies to toothpastes with activated charcoal. Their cleansing effect is more due to the abrasive (grinding) action of the cleaning particles contained in the toothpaste than to the adsorption properties of the activated charcoal. Therefore, while whitening toothpastes offer quick relief for discolored teeth, they do not truly address the underlying cause.

Home remedies for white teeth

Various home remedies are said to quickly and cost-effectively provide white teeth. These include baking soda, baking powder, or even hydrogen peroxide. However, these over-the-counter products are, if at all, only very weak and damage the teeth more than they help. When it comes to products from the internet, particular attention should be paid to the composition of the ingredients and to ensuring that EU cosmetic regulations are adhered to. OnlySmile is produced in Germany and is therefore subject to the EU Cosmetic Regulation 2011/84/EU, which regulates the concentration of the bleaching agents we use. The other ingredients we use are also carefully selected and meet the highest quality standards.

Professional teeth cleaning

Professional teeth cleaning is performed by a dentist and makes the teeth appear whiter, among other things. The reason for this is that the teeth are cleaned with an abrasive cleaning paste, which removes discolorations. In addition to the whitening effect, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and usually checked for any damage by the dentist at the same time. The disadvantage of this method is the high costs and that the cleaning usually does not last particularly long. Depending on the effort, the costs for a prophylaxis treatment range from 50 to 150 euros.

Alternatively, a professional teeth whitening can also be booked with the respective dentist, which whitens the teeth either at home or on-site in the practice using a highly concentrated cleaning gel. Here, white teeth are guaranteed, but this guarantee comes at a high price.

Weiße Zähne – wie OnlySmile helfen kann

How do the bleaching agents work?

The underlying substances are the same for most products available on the market. Either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is used. In the mouth, these substances release active oxygen, which penetrates the tooth enamel and dissolves the pigments present there. The chemical reaction is similar to that of bleaching hair.

When used correctly, these bleaching agents do not cause damage to a healthy oral cavity. However, in the case of open, injured, or sensitive teeth, a dentist should be consulted to clarify any possible temporary side effects. Tooth whitening is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Also, OnlySmile uses the bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide to make teeth whiter. Trust in our years of expertise in the field of cosmetic teeth whitening and let your smile shine worry-free.


Photo: © Onlysmile
Author: Johann (blogguru.de)
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