A daily and thorough cleaning of the teeth can prevent many typical dental problems. However, a complete tooth brushing routine includes not only a toothbrush and toothpaste but also dental floss and interdental brushes. That dental floss is good for the spaces between the teeth, is well known and can be easily looked upToday we will discuss the role of interdental brushes and their cleaning effect.
Interdental brush - Effect and Application
An interdental brush is a small brush in cylindrical or conical shape. It can ideally clean the spaces between teeth and remove plaque, which is dental deposits made up of harmful bacteria. Interdental brushes come in various types and sizes. It is advisable to use smaller ISO sizes for tighter spaces between teeth. ISO sizes are standardized sizes for almost all interdental brushes on the market.
30 – 40 % of the surface of each tooth consists of the interdental area, also known as the tooth gap. If this is neglected, there is an increased risk of plaque, cavities, and periodontitis. Harmful bacteria have the property of, to create a protective biofilmThe more bacteria are gathered in one place, the larger this biofilm isUnder this protective layer, bacteria can multiply at will and cause damage to the gums or the surface of the teeth.
Research has shownthat a physical destruction of the biofilm may be necessary to ensure complete cleaning performance. Unfortunately, a physical cleaning performance in the interdental area is not guaranteed by the sole use of toothpaste and mouthwash. The studies in question demonstrate that only the use of dental floss and interdental brushes effectively cleans the spaces between the teeth.
The advantages of an interdental brush
Both dental floss and interdental brushes have comparable cleaning performance In terms of cavity prevention, however, the bristles of the interdental brush fill the entire gap between the teeth and thus clean better. The frequency of use does not differ either: EOnce a day is enough to clean the spaces between your teeth..
Just for braces, bridges, or prosthetic wearers, an interdental brush is a real advantage compared to dental floss.
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Photo: © Onlysmile, wavebreakmedia - shutterstock.com
Author: Johann (blogguru.de)