Schmerzen nach der Anwendung – was zu tun ist

Pain after application - what to do

We at OnlySmile are an innovative German company dedicated to cosmetic teeth whitening. Our products are manufactured according to the highest scientific standards and are continuously developed further. Thus, we always strive to prioritize the well-being of our customers while ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

The correct use of OnlySmile teeth whitening products has no negative effects on overall health. Despite all our efforts, it may be that a few customers experience mild to severe pain after use. This is a completely normal reaction and not a reason to panic. In fact, such reports of pain are relatively common with in-office dental bleaching..

The cause of the pain

The pain that may occur after bleaching can have several causes. On the one hand, poor oral hygiene can break down the tooth enamel, making the tooth generally more susceptible to pain. On the other hand, some people may react with pain to the bleaching agent we use. We use hydrogen peroxide in our bleaching gel, a bleaching agent that is also used by dentists in significantly higher concentrations. This acts on the tooth enamel and temporarily makes the teeth more susceptible to pain.

Because at OnlySmile we are allowed to use hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of no more than 0.1% due to a legal regulation, the risk of pain after an application is extremely low. However, if pain should occur, we have the following recommendations for you.

Schmerzen nach der Anwendung – was zu tun ist

Our recommendations for pain from bleaching

The following recommendations provide relief from pain for most people.

  • Pausing the application for 2 - 3 days
  • to remineralize the teeth, for example, use a fluoride-containing toothpaste
  • Avoid highly acidic, sugar-rich, or staining foods and beverages.

Sollte auch nach Anwendung dieser Tipps & Tricks auf absehbare Zeit keine Besserung in Sicht sein, empfiehlt sich ein Gespräch mit deinem Zahnarzt oder deiner Zahnärztin. Normalerweise sollten die Schmerzen jedoch nach 2-3 Tagen abklingen.


Photo: © Onlysmile, Dean Drobot -
Author: Johann (

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