Veneers  – lohnt sich die Anschaffung?

Veneers – is it worth the investment?

Spätestens seitdem die Kinos wieder geöffnet haben, werden die Filmstars und Schauspieler auf den Leinwänden wieder präsenter, und jedes Mal aufs Neue fragt man sich, wie diese Menschen es schaffen, so perfekt auszusehen. Mit Sicherheit steckt da viel Make-Up und auch eine gezielte Nachbearbeitung dahinter, doch es gibt bestimmte Bereiche, die man eben nicht so einfach kaschieren kann. Einer dieser Bereiche sind die Zähne, und um genau diese Zähne und welche Methoden bekannte Persönlichkeiten aus Hollywood & Co. verwenden soll es heute gehen.

Veneers – small plates on the teeth

One of the most promising methods for white teeth is veneers, which are also frequently used by well-known personalities. Veneers can initially be described as small plates or shells that are carefully bonded to the teeth by the dentist. This is useful, for example, if you have had an accident or have a very dark natural tooth color. For instance, you might have a chipped tooth or a very large gap between your teeth. Veneers can provide a solution. Now let's look at the different types of veneers and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

In conventional ceramic veneers, the dentist prepares the damaged teeth before bonding. First, the sliding movement of the jaw is measured with special instruments. Then, the tooth is roughly "filed down" and existing edges and corners are smoothed out. Using a special bonding technique, the veneers are then attached to the teeth. The biggest disadvantage of this procedure lies in the filing down of the teeth, as this permanently destroys the enamel and can make the teeth more sensitive to temperature.

Veneers made of composite

To avoid the grinding of teeth as the biggest disadvantage of conventional ceramic veneers, composite veneers were invented. Composite is a tooth-colored, moldable material that requires only a slight alteration of the tooth surface for application. Once all layers of composite have been successfully applied and cured with a special lamp, they are polished again, making them look like natural teeth.

Veneers in general have the significant disadvantage of being priced in the higher segment of aesthetic teeth whitening. This is also the reason why only Hollywood stars and the like use this method. If you're looking for an affordable alternative to veneers, we recommend the teeth whitening kit from OnlySmile. One application only takes 30 minutes and you have complete flexibility..

Veneers  – lohnt sich die Anschaffung?

OnlySmile is a research and development company based in Germany that specializes in the cosmetic whitening of teeth. If you are interested in these products, you will find here the Shop and here are more exciting Blog article.

Photo: © Onlysmile, Dean Drobot -
Author: Johann (
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