Die Zahnaufhellung in der Corona-Zeit

Teeth whitening during the Corona period - why dental care is especially important right now

Your teeth have become quite invisible during the Corona period. When shopping and in city centers, you wear a mouth-nose protection, and your entire mouth area disappears behind the fabric.

You may feel the temptation to neglect your dental care and take less overall care of your oral cavity than before the Corona period. Why you should still not neglect yourself is explained in this article.


The teeth whitening is care for the psyche – do it for yourself!

In times of crisis like the ongoing Corona pandemic, mental health suffers particularly. Social distancing, quarantine, and restrictions on movement take a toll on us. It is therefore even more important for each individual to engage in mental self-care.

The mental health is also not completely disconnected from physical health. Psychological problems can be accompanied by psychosomatic issues such as headaches or stomachaches.

Our tip: Create small islands in your daily life where you consciously take time for yourself. Meditation, exercise, and self-care have proven effective for many of us. Teeth whitening is also part of this.  

Through feedback (online and at trade shows), we know that teeth whitening with OnlySmile gives our customers a boost of confidence. After the application, they feel better and have a more well-groomed mouthfeel. You feel good about yourself and take a break from the problems of everyday life.

Die Zahnaufhellung in der Corona-Zeit

Through the immediate effect (you may need two applications during the first use), you will feel more comfortable in your skin and overall more satisfied. During the 30 minutes of application, you can also engage in more self-care activities, such as painting your nails.

Consider that other times will come again when we no longer need masks and the gaze of others can once again fall freely on your teeth. Until then, continue to take care of yourself so that you can enjoy the time to the fullest.

Have we piqued your curiosity? Check out our Teeth Whitening Kit for Home or read it in FAQ Section The answers to frequently asked questions. We look forward to seeing you!


Photo: © wavebreakmedia – shutterstock.com, onlysmile
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (blogguru.de)
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