We understand very well that the concern about malfunctions and accidents is greater when you are alone. However, with OnlySmile teeth whitening, you don't have to worry. With a normal jaw size, the mouthguard fits and has enough space.
The OnlySmile© tray is a universal tray and is not specially adjusted to your teeth. For that, impressions of your upper and lower dental arches would have had to be taken in advance, and the price would have increased accordingly. The teeth whitening tray sits loosely in the mouth and does not fit tightly on your teeth. Normally, it does not even touch them. It is not comparable to a grinding splint from the dentist.
The splint stays in place by closing your jaw, not by a precise fit against the teeth. You can remove the splint at any time by opening your jaw.
Tip: If you feel constricted by the brace during use, remove it for a few seconds and take a deep breath. You can also stop the treatment and try again at a later time.
Our products are designed to be easily usable on their own. That's why the application is super simple and straightforward. With your order of the OnlySmile whitening kit, you will receive an instruction manual that explains the application step by step. You will find all OnlySmile products in the online shop.
We cannot take away all your doubts, but In our blog, we explain how teeth whitening at home works and which active ingredients lighten discolorations. With this information, you can convince yourself.
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (blogguru.de)