Kann ich die Zähne meines Kindes zu Hause bleachen

Can I whiten my child's teeth at home?


This question reached us via the OnlySmile Contact Form and we have decided to publish a short response.

Due to the dangers of swallowing and lack of experience, we generally label all our products with the notice "Not suitable for children under 5 years old." The responsibility for whether our products are used on children lies with the guardians. We believe it is advisable to contact a dentist in advance and obtain a medical assessment before bleaching your child's teeth at home.

The milk teeth present in children's dentition are gradually replaced by permanent teeth over time. Bleaching in children is necessary in most cases neither during the milk tooth phase nor after the tooth transition, and it is sometimes associated with unnecessary stress.

Discolorations are less common in children because a) children hardly consume staining substances (tea, coffee, red wine, tobacco) and b) children's teeth are still young and discolorations usually develop over several years. If there are problems with oral hygiene, it is best to discuss this with the dentist and try various medical and/or psychological solutions.

Although the use of our at-home bleaching products is safe for children, we recommend starting the treatment only from adolescence and as needed.

Would you like to learn more about teeth whitening at home? In our blog, you will find out among other things, how often you can repeat the bleaching at home. Check it out right away, we look forward to seeing you!

 Kann ich die Zähne meines Kindes zu Hause bleachen

Photo: © Andrey_Kuzmin – shutterstock.com, OnlySmile
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (blogguru.de)
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