Lifestyle with coffee and red wine? With OnlySm...
For you, coffee is part of everyday life and in the evening you enjoy a glass of red wine? You're not alone! The good news: The resulting tooth discolorations from...
Lifestyle with coffee and red wine? With OnlySm...
For you, coffee is part of everyday life and in the evening you enjoy a glass of red wine? You're not alone! The good news: The resulting tooth discolorations from...
3 tips for saving money on teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic and not a medical treatment. Unlike dental cleaning, discolorations are lightened that have no medical causes or effects. Therefore, the costs are neither fully nor...
3 tips for saving money on teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic and not a medical treatment. Unlike dental cleaning, discolorations are lightened that have no medical causes or effects. Therefore, the costs are neither fully nor...
FAQ: whitening yellow teeth: When will I see re...
You spontaneously arranged a date for the evening and when you look in the mirror, you notice your teeth. Is the second coffee in the afternoon to blame for the...
FAQ: whitening yellow teeth: When will I see re...
You spontaneously arranged a date for the evening and when you look in the mirror, you notice your teeth. Is the second coffee in the afternoon to blame for the...
Teeth whitening for the wedding - finally white...
You are finally done with all your preparations: The dates are confirmed, your relatives are invited, and you are looking forward to the big day. But what about your teeth?...
Teeth whitening for the wedding - finally white...
You are finally done with all your preparations: The dates are confirmed, your relatives are invited, and you are looking forward to the big day. But what about your teeth?...
Cosmetic teeth whitening for home: What ingredi...
In our teeth whitening gel for home use, we use low-concentration peroxides with less than 0.1 percent hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. This complies with the EU Directive 2011/84/EU, which...
Cosmetic teeth whitening for home: What ingredi...
In our teeth whitening gel for home use, we use low-concentration peroxides with less than 0.1 percent hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. This complies with the EU Directive 2011/84/EU, which...
Teeth whitening during the Corona period - why ...
Your teeth have become quite invisible during the Corona period. When shopping and in city centers, you wear a mouth-nose protection, and your entire mouth area disappears behind the fabric....
Teeth whitening during the Corona period - why ...
Your teeth have become quite invisible during the Corona period. When shopping and in city centers, you wear a mouth-nose protection, and your entire mouth area disappears behind the fabric....