Mit OnlySmile kein Problem mehr für deine Zähne

Lifestyle with coffee and red wine? With OnlySmile, no more problems for your teeth

For you, coffee is part of everyday life, and in the evening, you enjoy a glass of red wine? You're not alone in that! The good news: The resulting tooth discolorations from the contained color pigments can be brightened up in no time, and you can get your radiant smile back. How to do that, you'll find out in today's article.

Color pigments in beverages? These foods cause tooth discoloration

The diet can have a negative impact on our teeth. Not only medical problems can arise from acidic and sugary foods, but also cosmetic ones: The teeth become yellow. We explain which foods stain the teeth and how you can fight against the discoloration.

The following foods can stain the teeth:

  • Coffee
  • Wine (Red and White Wine)
  • Tea
  • Dark fruits like blueberries or blackberries
  • Grape juice
  • Soft drinks
  • Soy Sauce
  • Tomato sauce
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Spices like curry or saffron

The list is quite long and could even be extended further. However, to avoid tooth discoloration, you don't have to give up anything. There are now ways to gently and easily whiten your teeth at home.

Make at-home teeth whitening your lifestyle

With OnlySmile, you can easily remove annoying tooth discolorations. The only thing you need for that is the Beginner set for teeth whitening. In it, you will find a mouthguard, the active ingredient gel in original size, and the LED lamp. You apply everything according to the instructions and can admire your teeth in the mirror after just 30 minutes.

Mit OnlySmile kein Problem mehr für deine Zähne

In addition to teeth whitening, you can also take preventive measures. For example, by drinking a large glass of water after eating, you can rinse some pigments off the surface of your teeth. Furthermore, you should avoid skipping brushing your teeth – regular dental care is the foundation for healthy, radiant white teeth.

The teeth whitening easily fits into your lifestyle and you remain flexible with the self-application. During the exposure time, you can even watch TV or read. Treat yourself to this break in your vibrant life!

Are you interested in teeth whitening? Check out our OnlySmile-Blog browse and click through the texts. Or take a look at our Whitening products in the shop Some of them we already produce in Germany.


Photos: © OnlySmile, © wavebreakmedia –, onlysmile
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (
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