Weiße Zähne fürs Bewerbungsfoto – warum der Mund bei der Karriere so eine große Rolle spielt

White teeth for the job application photo - why the mouth plays such a big role in a career

OnlySmile works closely with photographers. During this collaboration, we often engage in conversations and learn about their daily work routines.

A particular thing makes us especially suspicious: The photographers report that more than every second customer requests to have their teeth edited and made whiter for application photos. This indicates dissatisfaction or at least insecurity about their own tooth color.

At the latest during the job interview, your tooth color will stand out, and significant deviations from the photo are not well received. How you can whiten your teeth to impress with your genuine smile will be revealed as you continue reading.


Why should dental care be a priority?

Not only from a medical perspective – such as for the prevention of cavities – dental care plays a crucial role. Your dental care is perceived by those around you, consciously or unconsciously.

Recruiters tend to prefer candidates with whiter teeth. They perceive how well-groomed a candidate looks. Ultimately, the candidate also represents the company.

When speaking, for example in a job interview, our brain primarily focuses on 2 areas: the eye and mouth region. This is where the strongest movement occurs, and communication is simplified through facial expressions. However, this is also where the focus of concentration lies, and the face determines the impression of the other person.

The opinion about a person, as in this case about the applicant, is formed by many small details and mainly occurs unconsciously. You can actively enhance a positive impression. Therefore, you prepare for your conversation:

  • You pay attention in advance to the clothing, the hair, the beard, and the make-up.
  • You inform yourself about the company and prepare answers to the most important questions.
  • You plan your journey including a buffer.

Don't forget your teeth. The following point must not be missing in the preparation:

  • You take special care of your teeth beforehand.


One reason why we prepare so well for job interviews lies in the following conclusion: If the applicant is well-groomed, their documents are complete and their schedules are organized. They work carefully. The teeth send - along with many other small details - signals. For example, that the job is important to you and that you take your responsibilities seriously.

When applying for a job with customer contact, your appearance is even more important.

Weiße Zähne fürs Bewerbungsfoto – warum der Mund bei der Karriere so eine große Rolle spielt

OnlySmile helps you with the whitening of annoying tooth discolorations

To ensure that nothing goes wrong during the job interview, you can easily whiten your teeth at home in just 30 minutes beforehand. All you need is the OnlySmile teeth whitening kit, which will arrive at your place in just a few days.

You apply the teeth whitening gel to the mouth tray, insert it, and turn on the blue LED light. In half an hour, color pigments from coffee, tea, or red wine lighten, and you are left with your radiant smile – this is modern home bleaching!

Do you want to know how teeth whitening works? Read the Do-it-yourself guide in our teeth whitening blog through and convince yourself. White teeth can be so easy!


Photo: © stockfour – shutterstock.com, onlysmile
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (blogguru.de)
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