Weiße Zähne für Kreative, Filmschaffende und Models

White teeth for creatives, filmmakers, and models

Anyone who is active in the film industry or on social media knows that, in addition to clever marketing and the right contacts, one's appearance also plays a significant role. No matter how much fashion changes, there are some features that always remain the same. Have you ever wondered why TikTokers, YouTubers, models, and other creatives and filmmakers often look flawless? Why their skin is clear, their hairstyle impeccable, and their teeth sparkling white?

White teeth for TikTokers and everyone else

We at OnlySmile cannot make your skin pure. We also cannot make your hairstyles appear flawless or provide you with strategically advantageous marketing. Nevertheless, we can promise you one thing: Through our years of expertise in the field of cosmetic teeth whitening, the ingredients we use are highly effective and up to date with current science. As a result, using our products can make your teeth whiter and help you achieve a radiant white smile. For the fastest results We recommend the teeth whitening kit from OnlySmile, which reliably whitens teeth after the first application. Because that’s what OnlySmile stands for: Quality Made in Germany – for maximum effectiveness, strictly controlled safety, and fair working conditions. So that TikTokers, YouTubers, and other creatives can have brilliantly white teeth.

Weiße Zähne für Kreative, Filmschaffende und Models

How our ingredients whiten your teeth

The ingredients we use have been carefully selected in our German laboratories. We use hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent in a very low concentration. This acts as an oxidizing agent in the mouth area and thus helps to to dissolve pigments present in the tooth and make the teeth sparkling whiteStains caused by coffee, red wine, or tobacco are dissolved, leaving teeth clean. The use of hydrogen peroxide is subject to EU Directive 2011/84/EU and is therefore safe to use. User reports show that the use of our products mostly occurs without side effects. The gums are not irritated, and the sensitivity of the teeth does not increase permanently. However, it can occasionally happen that the teeth are temporarily more sensitive to temperature, and short-term pain may occur from very cold or very hot food. These side effects are normal and should subside after one to two days. A fluoride-containing toothpaste can also help strengthen and maintain healthy sensitive teeth.

With the products from OnlySmile, nothing stands in the way of your white teeth. Don't hesitate and get yourself a teeth whitening kit from OnlySmile today..


Photo: © Onlysmile
Author: Johann (blogguru.de)
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