Yellow or discolored teeth are a common problem for many people and are seen as a cosmetic flaw by the general public. Almost every advertisement presents white teeth as the ideal, whether it is for promoted cosmetics, food, or clothing. It is understandable that white teeth are desired by many. Today you will learn how yellow teeth develop and what tips there are to sustainably avoid discolored teeth.
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Tooth discoloration can have a variety of causes, and the range of reasons for discolored teeth extends from genetic factors to unfavorable eating habits or poor oral hygiene. Accordingly, there are also many tips available.
1. Observe oral hygiene
This tip is the most important of all. Good and regular oral hygiene not only ensures brighter teeth and fresh breath but can also prevent long-term damage such as gum bleeding, cavities, or plaque. Good oral hygiene includes brushing your teeth twice a day as well as using dental floss and mouthwash. Through complete and comprehensive oral hygiene, food residues can also be removed from between the teeth, which are also a common cause of discoloration.
2. Use a beneficial "white" diet
Many modern diets are unfortunately very detrimental to brilliantly white teeth. Coffee, red wine, and tobacco have the property of strongly staining teeth. Certain foods like carrots or other strongly pigmented foods can also have a negative effect. Therefore, we recommend avoiding such staining foods and beverages. By the way: Certain medications are also known to discolor teeth. For details and possible alternatives, you should consult your general practitioner and dentist.
3. Genetic causes of tooth discoloration
One of the least influenceable reasons for discolored teeth is increasing age and the genetically predetermined tooth color. In contrast, as an average consumer, one is initially quite powerless. An affordable and uncomplicated solution to this problem is the use of the OnlySmile HomeSets. Here, the tooth color is sustainably brightened using a harmless chemical bleaching agent. An application only takes 30 minutes, and after just two weeks of regular repetition, initial results can be achieved. This way, the teeth remain white and convincingly radiant, regardless of your genetics.
If you follow all these tips, your tooth color should brighten sustainably. However, for those who cannot change their diet and do not want to give up coffee or red wine, the OnlySmile product line is the right choice and the solution to all problems. With OnlySmile, you get brilliantly white teeth without annoying restrictions. The production of tooth whitening powder and gel in Germany ensures the highest quality standards, making our products absolutely safe for our customers when used as directed.
Start to Smile – with OnlySmile.
Photo: © Onlysmile, Kamil Macniak -
Author: Johann (