“Made in Germany” is one of the most recognized labels for quality and exclusive craftsmanship worldwide today. Today, we will discuss this logo, how it originated, and why it is still important to pay attention to this logo.
Short History of the Quality Seal
Towards the end of the 19th century, the label "Made in Germany" was introduced by the British to mark supposedly cheaper and inferior goods from Germany and to protect their own industry. There were accusations that German companies were copying British products, thereby undermining the British economy and competitiveness. This strategy initially worked, which is why the label had a bad reputation at first.
Only after the Second World War, when in contrast to the USA the focus of consumers was placed on individual, high-quality craftsmanship instead of cheaper mass production, did "Made in Germany" establish itself as the quality promise of today. Perfection and craftsmanship still hold the highest priority, especially in the mechanical and chemical sectors.
What OnlySmile stands for
At OnlySmile, values such as transparency, quality, competence, and customer proximity are also of the utmost importance. That is why we place special emphasis on the label 'Made in Germany' to assure you that quality tested under strict guidelines is our priority. For example, we also run our blog, where we can answer your questions and strive to provide in-depth and detailed information about teeth whitening and all related topics.
Our teeth whitening gel and teeth whitening powder are exclusively developed and produced in German laboratories. This means we are subject to the strict regulations of the EU and Germany., which are another quality promise for you and thus also another indicator of the safety of our products.
For exactly these values and quality, we are known and popular among both German and international customers, in both the private sector and in professional beauty salons.
Therefore, we are proud to present the label "Made in Germany" on our gels and powders.
Do you have a question? We welcome any new suggestions and will of course try to answer your questions as quickly as possible. Here you will find our Contact Form.
If you want to read more interesting articles about teeth whitening, don't hesitate to check out our Blog to visit. If you prefer to be convinced of the "Made in Germany" quality right away, you can find our here Teeth whitening kit including gel and here our Bleaching powder.
Photos: © OnlySmile
Author: Johann (blogguru.de)