The prom is THE event at the end of your school career. Finally, the exams are over and you hold your certificate in your hands. You meet your entire class again and celebrate with all your friends one last time before you begin your new chapter. That evening, everything should be perfect.
Deadline pressure before the prom? Not with OnlySmile!
The weeks leading up to prom are exhausting. In addition to the important exams, there is a lot of organization for that one evening. Time is short and is spent on buying clothes, going to the hairdresser, makeup, and the gym. Then the dress also needs to be shortened, and you wish the day had more than 24 hours. Scheduling an additional appointment for the dentist? Unthinkable!
However, your teeth are also important to you, and they will be captured for eternity in photos. Photographers may edit individual portrait photos, but what about the snapshots taken by family and friends? Your head is about to burst, and it's time for a deep breath.
In this intense time, everything happens very quickly. That's why it's even more important to take conscious time for yourself. This can be a few minutes to several hours. For teeth whitening with OnlySmile, you only need 30 minutes and can take care of other things or simply watch your favorite series during that time.
After applying the whitening gel to the mouth tray, you insert it into your mouth. The gel should cover all areas of your teeth. Then you turn on the blue LED lamp and let it work for 30 minutes. The result is immediately visible after rinsing. You can use OnlySmile as often as you like. We recommend every 2 to 4 weeks. The whitening also works just before your prom and perfects your appearance!
OnlySmile adapts to your everyday life. Life is often stressful enough. That's why we want to make it easier for you and give you the flexibility you need. Read more in our blog, How teeth whitening worksYou will also find testimonials from our customers here.
You are already convinced? Then secure our Beginner set including teeth whitening gel in original size or grab the changing monthly offer. Here you can save up to 30 percent!
Photo: © OnlySmile
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (