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Buy teeth whitening device – When is it worth having your own set?

The question of whether to purchase a home teeth whitening device often depends on the prices. Sometimes there is a fear that it will only be used once after purchase and then disappear into the cupboard. But how can you know in advance whether you will regret the purchase after all?

The conscious purchase of teeth whitening

Reconsidering your consumption behavior is an important step in the purchasing process. There are various guides that suggest asking yourself certain questions. This is meant to help you determine whether what you want to buy truly has added value for you. We have selected three such questions for you:

  • Do I already have something similar?
  • Can I make it myself?
  • How often do I plan to use it?

If you already own a teeth whitening kit, you usually don't need a second one. You cannot make teeth whitening products yourself. You lack the necessary materials and equipment for production. However, if you only plan to test the device once and are generally satisfied with the color of your teeth, you might borrow the device from a friend and not need to buy it.

Wann lohnt sich ein eigenes Set

If you need a little more time to think, you can add the teeth whitening device to your wishlist for now or sleep on it. If after some time you still feel the need to buy the set, it is likely worth the investment for you.

The purchase of a teeth whitening device is worthwhile for anyone who wants to easily, safely, and permanently get rid of their tooth discoloration.


Do you have questions about the application of the products? Check this out Explainer video on teeth whitening on our website or read the Description of our teeth whitening kit Do something good for yourself and show the world your radiant smile!


Photo: © onlysmile, © Jacob Lund -
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (
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