Beauty ideals have always varied throughout history and across cultures. For example, in ancient Greece, plump bodies were preferred as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Today, the trend is more in the opposite direction, as many prefer a muscular and slim body. While body shapes, eyes, and hair have changed multiple times as ideals over time, there are other characteristics whose positive evaluation has remained the same.
A beauty ideal that has endured the gnawing tooth of time and has remained the same across all cultures is white teeth. They symbolically represent a well-groomed and healthy appearance, as white teeth are an indicator of physical health. It is therefore not surprising that so many people are dissatisfied with the color of their teeth and would like to change something. Even in ancient Egypt, various methods were devised to keep teeth white. For example, a mixture of baking soda, white wine vinegar, and chewing sticks was used to eliminate unwanted discolorations. Over time, the methods became increasingly sophisticated, leading up to today's toothpastes. This is another indicator of how important white teeth still are. Anyone who wants to try a state-of-the-art tooth cleaner should check out our OnlySmile Teeth Whitening Powder try out.
Which diet is suitable for white teeth
It is well known that coffee, black tea with citric acid, and acidic fruit juices attack the teeth. All these beverages damage the tooth enamel, making it porous and thus allowing pigments to penetrate into deeper layers of the teeth. Therefore, refraining from these drinks is already a first step in the right direction.
However, and this is less known, there are also foods that actively whiten teeth again. In particular, calcium-rich foods such as cheese and milk should be mentioned, which actively contribute to strengthening tooth enamel due to the minerals they contain. Strengthened tooth enamel better protects teeth from superficial discolorations, almost like a shield, so to speak. Those who have already tried all these methods or do not want to change their diet can resort to a bleaching agent that has been proven to work, as it is, for example, the OnlySmile Teeth Whitening Kit findet.
Why it is so important to have white teeth
White teeth, as mentioned above, are an indicator of personal hygiene and physical fitness. On the other hand, white teeth also give confidence. When I can impress with my tooth color and am satisfied with it, I automatically smile more often and no longer have any inhibitions. This appears confident to others and makes me automatically seem more attractive. This knowledge, in turn, allows me to appear more self-confident, thus closing the circle. It's no coincidence that numerous stars and film characters have noticeably white teeth.
In conclusion, it can be said that white teeth are a timeless beauty ideal across all cultures and continue to be prominently featured in the media today. For an efficient and quick teeth whitening, a visit to our OnlySmile-Shop, where you can find numerous products for teeth whitening.
Sources: © OnlySmile
Author: Johann (