Zähne aufhellen zu Hause: die Nachsorge

Whitening teeth at home: aftercare

You already know about the preparation, have internalized the process of the 30-minute teeth whitening, and now want to know how to maintain your results for as long as possible? Then you are in the right place! We will explain what to pay attention to after the application and what you can actively do to preserve your radiant white smile.

Abstain directly after teeth whitening

Immediately after the whitening is completed, the teeth may be sensitive to staining foods. Be sure to avoid any food and other drinks except water for the first 2 hours after the application.

To be on the safe side, we recommend that you avoid consuming staining foods (coffee, tea, red wine, beetroot, spinach, etc.) in the 48 hours after whitening. You should also wait to smoke. Otherwise, new discolorations can quickly form.

Long-term aftercare: How to maintain your results for a long time

You can perform teeth whitening with OnlySmile as often as you like. So if you want to refresh your tooth whiteness after just one or two weeks, nothing is stopping you. However, we don't always have the time and desire for the full procedure. What you can still do to maintain white teeth for as long as possible without further whitening treatments is explained in this chapter.

Coloring consumables are the number 1 reason for tooth discoloration.

Giving up coffee in the morning is not an option for you? We can reassure you – although it is more beneficial for your teeth to come into contact with as few staining pigments as possible, you don't necessarily have to change your eating habits.

With the OnlySmile® teeth whitening powder, your tooth whiteness lasts longer. For a long-lasting whitening effect, you can brush your teeth with the powder once a week. It gently removes deposits and makes your teeth shine.

 OnlySmile® Zahnaufhellungspulver

You already feel well prepared and want to get started right away? No problem! In our shop you will find the Beginner set that gives you whiter teeth in just a few minutes. Check it out now!


Photo: © wavebreakmedia – shutterstock.com
Author: Beatrix Eckhard (blogguru.de)
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