In times of social media and increasingly optimized advertising, more and more people are trying to give their teeth a radiant white and emulate their idols in this regard. Yellow teeth and poor oral hygiene are increasingly seen as unattractive and are therefore becoming less popular. Everyone knows the feeling of critically looking at themselves in the mirror in the morning and evening and always finding something they are not completely satisfied with. For many people, it is their teeth. But the times of feeling helpless and powerless are now over. OnlySmile, as a German provider of cosmetic teeth whitening, offers a variety of different products that all ensure whiter teeth.
OnlySmile and cosmetic teeth whitening
When it comes to simple and convenient teeth whitening from home, most people still have doubts. Too expensive, doesn't work, or simply too complicated are the most commonly used arguments against so-called home bleaching. While these arguments may have had some validity in the past, thanks to technological and scientific advancements, home bleaching is now a real alternative for everyone compared to the often very expensive professional teeth whitening at the dentist.
As already mentioned, home bleaching is significantly cheaper than professional teeth whitening at the dentist, which often costs in the high three-digit range. This makes home bleaching suitable for smaller budgets and is therefore becoming increasingly popular. Many supermarket products, such as mouthwashes or toothpastes, also promise a teeth whitening effect. Most people use these products as well, but are still dissatisfied with the color of their teeth. This speaks in favor of using products that actually make teeth whiter. In the OnlySmile teeth whitening kit you will find A chemical bleaching agent, hydrogen peroxide, which has been proven to have a whitening effect on teeth. With proper and regular use, your teeth will definitely be whiter.
Simple application and quick results
The application of the OnlySmile teeth whitening kit is also incredibly simple. After applying the OnlySmile teeth whitening gel, the tray just needs to be connected to the included LED lamp and attached to the teeth. The flexible silicone of the tray allows for an ideal and pain-free fit, so your gums won't get burned by the light during bleaching. When used correctly, the OnlySmile teeth whitening kit is definitely pain-free. The first results can be seen depending on the original tooth color already after the first application. After just two weeks of regular use, your teeth will be noticeably whiter.
So simple and straightforward home bleaching can be. If you want to convince yourself of the quality and effectiveness of the OnlySmile products, we recommend, to take a look in our shopHere you will find a variety of teeth whitening products for everyone at an affordable price.
Photo: © Onlysmile
Author: Johann (