Time and again, one reads in various forums and experience reports about sensitive teeth after the use of teeth whitening products. Some users report increased sensitivity and a strange feeling in the mouth. Surely you have wondered whether these unpleasant side effects can also occur with the products from OnlySmile.
Schmerzempfindliche Zähne & Bleaching
Sensitive teeth can have many causes. Some factors are genetic in nature and therefore cannot be influenced. Other causes may lie in inadequate oral care or unfavorable eating habits. Sugars and acids found in many foods and sweetened beverages attack the tooth enamel. The tooth enamel is the outermost protective layer of the teeth and protects the teeth from harmful influences. If this protective layer is destroyed, the teeth consequently become more sensitive to pain.
Bleaching with OnlySmile products is a great way to get whiter teeth. For this, we use a proven bleaching agent, hydrogen peroxide, which is also used by professional dentists during in-office bleaching. Hydrogen peroxide acts oxidatively on the pigments present in the tooth. This means that the pigments in the tooth are dissolved.
Unglücklicherweise werden bei der Oxidation auch einige wichtige Mineralien aus dem Zahn herausgelöst. Dieser Prozess ist normal und erst mal kein Grund zur Sorge. Dennoch kann dieser Verlust der Mineralien der Grund sein, dass manche Menschen mit erhöhter Sensibilität reagieren. In diesem Fall gibt es einige hilfreiche Tipps & Tricks, die es zu beachten gilt.
Tipps & Tricks bei Schmerzempfindlichkeit
As already mentioned, the most common cause of sensitivity is the loss of minerals. It is therefore advisable to brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste after bleaching. Special active ingredients such as arginine can also contribute to a reduction in sensitivity. The following tricks can help additionally:
- Pay attention to a comprehensive and thorough cleaning routine
- Go to your dentist for a check-up before bleaching.
- Avoid eating for 2 hours after bleaching
- Drink only lukewarm water or milk during this time
- Smoking should be avoided during treatment with OnlySmile.
With these tips and tricks, the sensitivity of your teeth can be reduced. In general, it can be said that A correct application of the OnlySmile products does not cause any pain with healthy and strong teeth..
Photo: © Onlysmile, Halay Alex - shutterstock.com
Author: Johann (blogguru.de)