White teeth are a beauty ideal. Many models, famous actors, and other public figures have white teeth. This has, among other things, led to many people wanting white teeth as well. We automatically and more or less consciously associate them with attractiveness, success, and fame. Traits that most of us strive for in one way or another. However, very few know that achieving such white teeth requires either a lot of discipline or a lengthy and expensive procedure with the treating dentist.
What tips are there for white teeth
Die oberste Priorität für alle an weißen Zähnen Interessierten sollte sein, sich um eine gute und umfassende Mundhygiene zu kümmern. Dabei sollten fluoridhaltige Zahnpasten zum Einsatz kommen, die einen geringen RDA-Wert besitzen. Fluorid ist eines der wirksamsten Mittel gegen zahlreiche Zahn- und Zahnfleischerkrankungen, wie in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Studien bewiesen werden konnte. Der RDA-Wert ist ein Maß dafür, wie sehr die Zahnpasta deine Zähne abschmirgelt. Meistens ist es so, dass in Zahnpasten kleine Putz-Körperchen zum Einsatz kommen. Diese schmirgeln dann den Zahnbelag von deinen Zähnen und lassen sie so weißer wirken. Ein zu hoher RDA-Wert (>60) wird jedoch als schädlich für die Zahnhartsubstanz angesehen und sollte deswegen vermieden werden.
In addition, the innovative and pain-free bleaching sets from OnlySmile help to achieve white teeth. This is especially the case when the toothpastes are no longer effective.
Why making white teeth more attractive
As mentioned above, white teeth are associated with success, fame, and wealth. But why do people with white teeth appear more attractive? There could be several explanations for this. One plausible explanation could be that people with discolored teeth are less likely to smile and laugh. In contrast, people with white teeth may be more willing to laugh and smile. They appear happier. And happy people are perceived as attractive, successful, and social.
If you also want to appear attractive and successful, this is OnlySmile Teeth Whitening Kit Maybe something for you. The application is very simple and completely painless. First results can already be achieved after the first application.
Photo: © Onlysmile
Author: Johann (blogguru.de)