Schwarzer Tee – wie meine Zähne dunkler werden

Black tea - how my teeth become darker

Various foods such as tobacco, coffee, red wine, and certain types of tea can have a staining effect on the natural color of teeth. Today, we will discuss why this is particularly the case with black tea and what simple and straightforward tricks can help you bring back the shine to your teeth.

The gentle alternative to coffee

With black tea, a traditional alternative to coffee has developed, which has been enjoyed by people for generations. No wonder, as black tea offers enjoyment at any time of the day, both in the early morning and during the typically British "Tea Time." There are many different methods to prepare the iron-rich beverage, from the common tea bag method to brewing whole leaves. Generally, it is recommended that black tea should be brewed for a maximum of two to three minutes, as it becomes too strong otherwise. Black tea is particularly popular because it is considered an alternative pick-me-up to coffee, but with a significantly gentler and milder effect.

Schwarzer Tee – wie meine Zähne dunkler werden

Why does tea actually make my teeth darker?

Responsible for this are the tannins contained in black tea. While they have a strengthening effect on tooth enamel, they unfortunately also have the undesirable property of depositing in the gaps between teeth and on the teeth themselves. This makes the teeth appear darker..

By the way, tannins are also found in other types of tea, especially in green and rooibos tea. However, there is a very simple method to counteract the discoloration of your teeth. Milk has the very pleasant property of binding tannins. Specifically, this means that when drinking black tea, you can simply add a little milk, which will result in less staining of the teeth.

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Photo: © Onlysmile, Dean Drobot -
Author: Johann (
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