Why spend money on expensive teeth whitening products when you can whiten your teeth yourself? There are some well-known home remedies that are said to result in brighter teeth. Examples of popular home remedies that promise whiter teeth include: lemons or strawberries.
The fruit acid removes short-term discolorations on the teeth and it doesn't require much effort either. You cut the lemon, dip the toothbrush in the lemon juice, and then apply it to your teeth. So why should you buy our teeth whitening kit when you can easily whiten your teeth with a lemon?
Damaged tooth enamel
Correct, the aggressive fruit acid attacks the tooth enamel and damages it.
The consequence of such home remedies is that the teeth are damaged in the long term and become highly sensitive. Drinking cold beverages, sodas, or chewing gum – all of these are everyday things that one has to give up after a "treatment with home remedies."
But what do we need our Tooth enamel überhaupt?
Our enamel protects our teeth from wear and demineralization caused by acids, such as those found in strawberries and lemons. It prevents bacterial infestation of the tooth.
Short summary: Our tooth enamel has a protective and repair function.
If we damage our tooth enamel and coat it with aggressive fruit acid, we have to invest a lot of money and patience in repairing the teeth.
OnlySmile instead of aggressive lemon
Why don't we invest the money that would be needed for a repair directly into a professional teeth whitening treatment for home use?
Our OnlySmile products are completely pain-free compared to citric acid and do not harm either the tooth enamel or the gums.
The application is simple and the effect can last up to 6 months after use!
Whoever cares about both long-lasting white teeth and dental health should put down the lemon and instead order our teeth whitening kit with a click.
Convince yourself from our products selbst!
Photo: © Onlysmile
Author: Andrea (blogguru.de)